LApstrEz BLoG

A WeBLoG of an Ordinary Geek

Leaving Chennai, but leaving my heart behind…

Posted by lapstre on June 3, 2006

Hello there,
Its been a long time … Have been busy with the exams. Glad that they are finally over. Now i can get back to what i do best – Day Dreaming. :p I've probably never in my ever studied so much as for these 2 xams in my life. My class test marks had me scared shitless about the exams! Anyways i was happy to finish off the final battle to end the 4 year long war. The battle of Anna University would doubtlessly remain one of the greatest battles ever fought in my life…

At this time of unbounded joy, came the unexpected news of the joining dates of my company…I was all ready for this, but then when i read the mail, i realised i was all but ready for it! I had been posted to bangalore! On one hand i was happy that i was finally getting a chance to prove myself, but having to leave dear old chennai to do that kinda lessened the joy of it! I was wondering what i would do, away from my friends, away from family, away from my hometown, without my faithful comp 😦 . Anyways It'd be a good challenge to move on to a new city and start working there, I'd have a doubt regarding full productivity though!

 I wrote the first paragraph sometime immediately after the end of the exams and the second para after i received the news about having to relocate to banagalore… I cant believe it's time to leave already, I have but probly 2 hours before my train leaves from chennai to bangalore, and i just wanted to thank all of you for being wonderful friends. Willl miss ya all…


Vil Keep Blogging! 

5 Responses to “Leaving Chennai, but leaving my heart behind…”

  1. Srikanth said

    Hi, all d best dude..I can feel it,must be hard to leave the place like chennai,tat too missing the computer..anyway keep blogging.. rock where ever u go!

  2. RNK said

    be happy to go to banglore atleasst u hav got look at my condition i am keeping my a$$ on my chair and searching for jobs

  3. lapstre said


    Wot can i say … 😀
    Identify urself plz…

  4. immanuel said

    I am an artist and multimedia developer by profession ,I work in bangalore and earn decent money but still I stay in hosur[Tamilnadu] 30 kms away and ride 60 kms to and fro daily just to have the sense of home in tamilnadu.

    If u have own house , big car , big it company tag , big salary and IF YOU ARE A SOCIAL DRINKER u can say bangalore is heaven. TWO THINGS ARE NICE ”CHICKS”AND CHICKEN DISHES !


    i love to sit quietly on a beach eating 2 rs ”SUNDAL” [peas masala] in marina !THAT I CALL IS HEAVEN


  5. sundar said

    work is worship

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